Thursday 23 April 2015


By Rico

Kind Timothy . He is as strong as Rico.
He is muscly. He is as fast as a red Ferrari.

Persuasive Writing

Ballet Nightie
By Pixel

I think I need a ballet nightie.
I want flower buttons.
The flowers are the same as my earrings.
The colour is pink.
The end.


My Pyjamas
By Jessiah

Let me tell you about my pyjamas.
They are onesies.
They are stripy.
They are warm .
They are cool.

My Super Pyjamas
By the Kowhai group

Let me tell you . I think I need super pyjamas.
This is why.
If you made me some PJs with snow coming out of them like Elsa we could play and make our own super snowman.
Some pjs with wheels.
I could zoom to the supermarket.


Timothy the Rat
By Benji

Let me tell you about Timothy.
He is strong and Timothy looks like a superhero and he is a rat.

Persuasive writing

Super  Pyjamas
By Thisum

I need some super pyjamas. This is why. If you made me some PJs with wheels I zoom to the supermarket.

Persuasive Writing
By Eden

I think I need super pyjamas
Because so I can snuggle in them.
On the back of my cat woman pyjamas there’s a black cape.

Underman Pyjamas
By Ethan

I think I need Underman pyjamas because I’m like underman.
On the back there’s a cape. The words are yellow and the rest is red. He has a super mask.
The end.

Persuasive Writing
Spiderman Pyjamas
By Baxter

I think I need amazing spiderman pyjamas with web slammings and gloves and boots. On the back it picks up the messages and a spider on the front and I can web a way
I can go and get the bad guys. The suit is as red as blood.
Do you like my story?


Timothy the Super Rat
By Maika

Do you know about Timothy?
Well I do. So he is strong like a 1000 pounds and he runs like Flash. He is cool and manly.
Also I hope you like my story.

Persuasive Writing

Kung Fu Panda Onesie
By Sam

Please Mum, buy me a Kung Fu Panda onesie.
 I promise I will be good and help around the home.
I will be the best boy ever!!!

Persuasive Writing

By Alyssa

I think I should have flower buttons because they are pretty.
Next I think I should have lovely hats.
Next I should have

Persuasive Writing

Super     Pyjamas
By Bailey

I think I need super pyjamas. This is why. If you made me super pjs with super jet packs because then I could zoom around the room with buttons and make them metal so they won’t rip.
And I can zoom outside too.
And I can save people when they are clinging off a cliff. I can save a     ___________ when it  falling off a cliff with my jet pack.


By Erina
Let me tell you about  Timothy.
He is a boy.
He has a monkey.
He is helping.
I hope you like my story about Timothy.


By Phuong Nhi
Do you know about Timothy?
He is stronger and very very stronger. He can help.

By Keita

Let me tell you about Timothy.
He is trying to get fit and he saves  a fat elephant too. And he jumps and he got and I thought he broke his jaw and I hope you like my story about Timothy.


By Lane

Do you know about Timothy. He is a boy. Timothy is strong as the Hulk and as fast as the Flash. He likes to help and save people.
He can hold a thousand things like  Hulk and he can hold a million pounds like Hulk is the same.
I hope you like the story about the boy called Timothy.

By Isaac

Let me tell  you about Timothy.
He is powerful.
He has magic pyjamas.

Persuasive writing

 Super Pyjamas
By  Kobe

I think I need super pyjamas, a jet pack to fly because Ironman needs to fly so then I can get the baddies .
The iron man is actually me.

By Falcon

Let me tell you about Timothy.
He is strong as a house. He is a boy.
He is strong.

 WEEK  one Term 2
This week we have been reading about ANZAC ted. Ask someone from Room 2 to tell you about it.
There has been some sensational writing in room 2 this week.
It is going on the wall this week. Hope you can have a look sometime.
Next week museum trip and launching into our heroes topic.

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